Laguna Hills, CA LASIK eye surgeon explains the benefits of laser eye surgery

When you are unable to see clearly with your natural eyesight, it can make everyday things in life difficult – from simply reading the alarm clock in the middle of the night to playing sports or taking a swim, relying on contacts and glasses requires planning and can hamper your ability to fully enjoy life’s activities. With LASIK laser eye surgery, you can say goodbye to life with glasses or contacts!Dr. Salib, LASIK eye surgeon at the Orange County Eye Institute in Laguna Hills, CA, knows first-hand how life-changing this treatment can be. Read on to learn more about the procedure and its benefits!

How LASIK eye surgery works

Lasik was first approved by the FDA in 1999, and has since transformed the lives of over 10 million of people by eliminating their dependence on glasses and contacts to see clearly. The procedure itself only takes a few minutes, but we spend ample time prior to the procedure ensuring that LASIK is right for you and planning out your treatment with care and precision. Our patients’ eye health is of paramount importance to us, so we will only perform LASIK on patients who are good candidates. For example, patients must have healthy eyes with sufficient corneal thickness, and have a prescription that is within certain limits and has been stable for at least a year prior to treatment. We will evaluate these criteria, as well as other factors, during an initial consultation with you to help determine whether to move forward. We will also discuss your LASIK eye surgery cost and payment plans that are available to help fit your treatment into your budget.

During the procedure, our highly skilled and experienced eye surgeon first creates a small, precise cut in your cornea to create a flap. Then, the flap is pulled back so that the underlying corneal tissue is expose, and an excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea for clear vision. Afterwards, we gently place the corneal flap back in place. No sutures, stitches, or bandages are required – your eye rapidly heals, sealing itself back together in a short time after your surgery. We cover your post-treatment care in depth with you so to help reduce the chance of complications or side effects. While you can expect some fuzzy or hazy vision immediately after your surgery, most patients can see clearly as soon as the next morning, reaching optimal vision within a few days to weeks.


(949) 441-5444

Benefits of LASIK eye surgery

If you have lived with glasses or contacts for many years, it might be hard to envision what life would be like without having to reach for your glasses or put in your contacts every morning. Patients who undergo LASIK experience many benefits:

  • A dramatic reduction in dependence on glasses or contact lenses
  • Nearly immediate results
  • Little pain and a short recovery time, with no stitches or bandages required
  • An overall improved quality of life

In addition, corrections and adjustments are possible post-treatment if optimal results are not achieved or if vision changes occur as you age.

Call the Orange County Eye Institute today to learn more about how LASIK can improve your vision– and your lifestyle! Our Laguna Hills, CA office can be reached at (949) 441-5444 .

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