
Information on the toric intraocular lens from your Laguna Hills eye surgeon

One of the most important aspects of cataract surgery is finding a suitable replacement lens for the individual patient. Every person has different needs, which could create a challenge were it not for the fact that numerous types of intraocular lenses are now available. The toric intraocular lens is used by Laguna Hills eye surgeon Dr. George Salib when correction for astigmatism is needed.

A toric intraocular lens can reduce your reliance on corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses while producing more clear images through improved focus within the eye. One thing to note about the toric lens is that it does not adjust from near to far as the eye moves. This means that eyeglasses may still be necessary for one or the other distance. If a significant reduction in the need for eyeglasses is desired, we may discuss the monovision arrangement, in which individualized lenses are placed into each eye, one for distance and one for near vision.

How toric lenses work

Astigmatism occurs when the shape of the cornea is oblong rather than round. The asymmetry of the oblong shape causes blurred vision. The toric lens offsets the shape of the natural lens, neutralizing imperfections to restore clear, sharp vision.

Toric lenses are incorporated into treatments at Orange County Eye Institute as they will benefit the individual patient. The insertion of the intraocular lens is performed as an outpatient procedure. After numbing the eye, Dr. Salib precisely removed the eye’s natural lens and positions the new toric lens through a tiny corneal incision. Many patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision after treatment.

The success rate for toric IOLs is 95 percent. Patients report improved vision at distance and a reduced need for eyeglasses or contacts. Lens replacement with the most appropriate intraocular lens makes everyday tasks easier, more efficient, and more comfortable.

Lens replacement with the toric IOL, like any other surgery, is not completely without risk. That being said, complications occur in only about 2 percent of cases. Risks of this or any other eye surgery include intraocular pressure, infection, bleeding, and post-operative clouding of the lens.

Are you finding that you feel more frustrated by your eyeglasses or contact lenses? Alternatives are available! Learn more about lens replacement in a consultation with Dr. George Salib. Schedule your visit to Orange County Eye Institute today.

Dr. George Salib is a leading cataract specialist and top ophthalmic surgeon in California.

​​​​​​​An alumnus of UCLA, Georgetown University, and University of Wisconsin Medical School, he received ophthalmology training at King-Drew Medical Center, a residency program affiliated with UCLA, and followed a fellowship in advanced surgical techniques at Tulane University, New Orleans.

Besides cataract treatments, Dr. Salib is also experienced in multifocal lenses, laser eye treatments, Glaucoma, corneal transplants, macular degeneration, Comprehensive eye care, Laser-assisted cataract surgery, Dry eye and pterygium surgery. He is passionate about educating others on eye health and is committed to helping patients maximize their vision and living their lives to the fullest.

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