Cataract surgeries improved with the use of premium IOLs in Laguna Hills, but still not “perfect”

Prior to World War II, there was only one choice in how to follow up cataract surgery. At that time, no alternative lens existed to enable the treated eye to focus properly. The cataract patient may be able to see clearly thanks to the removal of his or her cataract, but would have to rely on special cataract glasses to perform daily activities. Today, we no longer see people wearing “coke bottle” glasses. In fact, many cataract patients are able to minimize their reliance on corrective eyewear following their cataract removal surgery.

Cataract surgeries evolution through time

Long before cataract surgeries were performed with the use of premium IOLs, the standard lens implant was developed. Intraocular lenses were first discovered in the 1940s, but they did not become common until three decades later. In the 1970s, however, the standard IOLs were only able to replace the clouded lens as it was. If a patient were affected by a concern such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, he or she would continue to rely on eyeglasses. Patients of Laguna Hills eye doctor George Salib have advanced options for restorative care.

Today, cataract patients can consult with their eye surgeon about their needs for post-surgical vision. Whether astigmatism or presbyopia exists or there are no existing vision concerns, the most suitable intraocular lens can be chosen. In addition to standard lens replacements, patients may choose from several different options for premium lenses.

Premium IOLs are intended for patients who are interested in decreasing their need for corrective eyewear following cataract removal. Choosing a premium IOL can be life changing. There remains, however, a need for realistic expectations when this “upgrade” is requested.


(949) 441-5444

Premium IOLs have their limitations

In order to choose the IOL that will best suit your needs, it is beneficial to discuss the various aspects of a given IOL with your eye surgeon before cataract surgery. Our desire is to inform each of our patients properly, not to promote any particular type of IOL. If vision correction is sought with a premium IOL, there may still be a need, in some situations, to wear eyeglasses. For instance, patients who perform a great deal of up-close work may continue to feel as though they see best with glasses while performing certain activities. Additionally, the possibility for visual phenomena such as halos or glares remains with premium IOLs.

We work with our patients to achieve the most advantageous outcome from cataract removal and lens replacement. To learn more about the capabilities of various IOLs, contact us at (949) 441-5444 .


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