Is it possible to avoid cataract eye surgery? Tips from your Laguna Hills eye doctor

As the body grows older the eyes, are more prone to conditions of degeneration. Today, more than 20 million Americans over the age of 40 are affected by cataracts; this condition is one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide.

Not all cataracts are the same, nor do they require immediate removal. Much of the time, cataracts are monitored and then removed when vision is impaired to the degree that wellbeing is affected. The three types of cataracts include:

  • Subcapsular, which develop near the back of the lens. These cataracts may be more prevalent in those with diabetes, or who regularly take steroid medications.
  • Nuclear, which forms within the nucleus of a lens. These types of cataracts tend to occur as a part of the natural aging process.
  • Cortical cataracts occur in the cortex of the lens, the area surrounding the central nucleus. This type of cataract produces an opaque spot in the lens, working its way from the outer area towards the center.


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An ounce of prevention

Although cataracts do not pose a serious threat to vision, they can be quite annoying when they grow larger. Thus, avoiding their growth or slowing their progress is ideal. Scientific study is ongoing regarding the potential to prevent cataracts. Several studies suggest nutritional choices can promote eye health and possibly decrease the risk of cataract development.

A study of female health professionals, which spanned a decade, showed that those with higher consumption of vitamin E, and the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein had fewer instances of cataract development. Vitamin E can be found in supplement form, or from food sources including spinach, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are high in beneficial carotenoids.

The eyes are affected by free radicals, which is why making nutritional changes can benefit vision. Foods with higher antioxidant content combat these free-roaming molecules and protect healthy cells against invasion.

Professional cataract care

The Orange County Eye Institute has the knowledge, equipment, and techniques to provide effective treatment for cataracts as well as many other conditions that affect vision. If you are experiencing the symptoms of cataracts, we can help you regain clear vision and greater wellbeing.

Contact us to schedule your professional eye examination.

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